When and is it safe to travel to Cuba ?


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Cuba is preparing to gradually open its borders as from November 15, 2021
It is expected that 90% of its population will be fully vaccinated by November. With this encouraging forecast and taking into account the importance of recovering the tourism industry, the country has started a de-escalation process which will have its climax in the reopening of travel to all destinations. For this purpose, some actions are already being taken to guarantee success.


What will happen in Cuba on November 15?

As from this date, the borders of the country will be opened and the tourist activity will be resumed, including excursions, tours and roundtrips in the national territory.
Until that date, the entry requirements to the country in force are maintained, although the completion of the arrival PCR will be gradually transferred to the hotels.

What health requirements should I consider for my trip?

If you have completed an international vaccination scheme, to enter Cuba you will only need to show the certificate or document that proves it. Non-vaccinated travelers must present a negative result of a PCR test no later than 72 hours before arrival.
Temperature control to passengers will be maintained at the entry points (airport, marinas, etc.) and independent random examinations will be carried out according to the criteria of the health authorities (PCR or antigen test).

How much luggage can I take?

The one allowed by the airline. The luggage restrictions have been eliminated in Varadero and Jardines del Rey destinations (Cayo Coco Airport), and will not apply at any entry point of the country.

What security protocols will be followed in hotels in Cuba?

The hotels will offer a service with strict adherence to the sanitary protocols without diminishing the quality standards. Its lines of action include the re-adjustment of spaces for effective social distancing, training workers on safe processes, use of means of protection and disinfection, and in some the management of services via digital to minimize interactions. On the other hand, in each hotel a medical team will be guaranteed 24 hours a day to ensure a protected stay.

How are hotel workers protected?

In addition to the vaccination schedule that will reach the entire country, a supplementary booster dose has been planned for those who work in the tourism sector. They will also follow the individual protection measures as required by medical authorities.

Will the quality of service be affected?

During these months, important renovations and improvements have been carried out that benefit most of the hotels on the island, so now they will be able to offer a superior and safer experience.

I am Cuba resident; I want to book a stay. How do I do it?

National tourism will be resumed gradually according to the epidemiological phase in which each province finds itself. This means that in some territories the activity may be resume before November 15.
We recommend that you stay informed about the news that will be announced. The priority has been, is and will be your protection.
We look forward to your return!

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