Blennies, gobies, shrimps, crabs, seahorse and more...
If you like to discover new and amazing underwater creatures, I suggest you to take a look at this macro world. If you are already in love with it, as I am, you will understeand the feeling.
When you realize how much have lost of sight while diving, you just want to go back and find all kind of creatures, you improve your skills , because we don’t wanna damage the ecosistem, so it makes you a better diver.

Also it is great hobbie to take pictures of them, discover their movements, their behavior, and all those colors and patterns.

Some of them make you to be silent and patient, if you wanna take a good picture, which is worth it.

Others are really hard to see, because they camouflage with what sorround them, or they are truly small, that test your vision.

This is just a small sample of the most common small creatures that you can find in the South Center coast of Cuba, more specific in Faro Luna, Cienfuegos.

Also you can find variety of sea slugs and nudibranchs, about them we’ll talk in another blog. For now, enjoy these pictures and the video below.