Incredible force of nature


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It has been 15 months since we sunk Ocean Defender to create artificial reef in one of our prime dive sites in front of Faro Luna dive center in Cienfuegos. The event took place on July 02/2021. After careful analysis we chose sandy bar and the depth of 60 feet to put Ocean Defender to rest. Since that day the shipwreck become one of the favorite dive spot visited and photographed by many of our divers.

The last moments above the surface before Ocean Defender sunk to the bottom of the sea. July 02/2021

The Ocean Defender landed perfectly straight on the sandy bottom 60 feet below and 75 feet away from the reef. It remained like this for the next 15 months. On September 27th the hurricane Ian hit the western part of Cuba missing our dive location several km to the West. Despite the distance the sea was rough so we could not go out and dive to assess any potential damage to the reef. Finally , few days later when the weather got better and the sea calmed down our crew could go out and dive. What we discovered was how incredible force the sea can have. The Ocean Defender was moved 75 feet from it’s original location towards the reef and stopped against the rock of the reef sustaining no damage. Below are the pictures illustrating the distance and new location of Ocean Defender.

Divemaster Pedro is standing on the bottom in the original location of Ocean Defender. You can clearly see the distance the ship was moved.
This is the trajectory of movement done by Yoel De La Paz .
New location of Ocean Defender
The rock of the reef which prevent Ocean Defender from slipping into the abyss.


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