Celebrating 2nd year of ScubaCuba.ca operations and closing the season of underwater photography in Cuba, we’re pleased to annouce the International Underwater Photography Contest FAROSUB 2022!
You’re all invited! From October 29 to November 2, 2022 in Faro Luna Diving Centre in Cienfuegos, Cuba. You’ll be able to book your trip on October 28th for 1 week with all inclusive package. Also contest entry is free!
Come and challenge your underwater photography skills with divers from Canada, Cuba, and elsewhere!
Here we show you all the info you need!
FaroSub invitacional Premier Edition 2022
General bases of the event
Divers will compete in 5 categories:
-Portrait Photography
-Landscape Photography
-Theme of the event
-Action camera
-Models (only the sub models will compete independently)
There will be 5 daytime competition dives organized in two days of competition.
Each photographer in the competition may submit one image per category. The images presented before being submitted to the vote will be evaluated by the organizing committee that will guarantee the quality of the same, the correspondence with the category in which it competes as well as that it meets the delivery requirements (format, resolution, type of edition allowed, etc.). Before submitting the images to be evaluated, the photographers must have delivered the originals once the dive is finished, for subsequent comparison with the image submitted to the contest.
All photographers and models registered as such for the event, as well as members of the organizing committee and guests with experience and knowledge, will vote personally for the images presented in each category scoring them for the awards.
To clarify, Photographers and models will not self-vote in any case.
Any changes to this will be announced in advance. All this regulation will be discussed and clarified during the technical council on the first day of the event.
Competition Categories
Portrait Photography
A portrait photograph where the subject(s) may appear full or cropped as long as they are the main focus of the image.
The subject can be an animal or plant, it can even be an underwater model. The size of the species does not matter, so both MACRO portraits and portraits of large species may be presented as long as they meet the requirements of the category.
All images must be taken from the underwater environment although 50/50 images will be allowed
Landscape Photography
Images may be presented, preferably taken with a wide-angle lens showing an underwater landscape. May include as many natural or artificial elements as the photographer deems appropriate. May or may not include divers, and may use artificial lights or natural light.
All images must be taken from the underwater environment although 50/50 images will be allowed
Theme of the event
It will be a thematic photograph of the organizing committee’s choice. They may use the techniques and elements that the photographer deems appropriate to highlight the subject, which must appear as the center of attention and main focus of the image.
The topic in question will be revealed during the technical tip to all the participants at the same time.
Action camera
Images obtained with this range of cameras will compete, images taken from a video sequence will NOT be allowed, any type of landscape image, portraits, with or without a model can compete.
All images must be taken from the underwater environment although 50/50 images will be allowed.
This category is perfect for those of you that are not professional photographers, you have no excuse!!
It will be a competition between underwater models prior to their registration in the contest during the technical council on the first day of the event.
Each one will present an image of their choice, regardless of the photographer who took it and whether or not this image competes in another of the categories.
It will be an aside in the event where the submodels will compete, where they must demonstrate skills, creativity and photographic selection criteria.
The performance of the model will be measured without neglecting the rest of the technical-artistic parameters.
Most important, in all categories basic editing will be allowed to improve the result as well as cropping to reframe always that does not exceed 20% of the maximum resolution of the camera.
One or more cameras per photographer will be allowed.
Action cameras will be able to compete in all categories, nevertheless, to the action camera category only this type of cameras can compete.
Choose your favorite category and compete!!
Win while you enjoy the wonderful diving in Faro Luna, sharing time with other uderwater photographers, also, it’s free to enter!!!
In short, Contact us to book your trip for October 28th, 2022 .
Brought to you by Marlin S.A., the C.I.B. Faro Luna, Cienfuegos, ScubaCuba.ca, ACUC Latin America, Cressi Cuba, Holasun, Havana Club and Aquasub Scuba Diving Centre.